Wednesday, January 18, 2017


POTLUCK Christian, American, Conservative (in that order)

Dick Carmack

George Soros, a Hungarian billionaire who is doing his best to tear down anything he doesn’t understand, is still rootin’ and tootin’ for Hellery and doing his best to overturn the election results. He’s a globalist. A one-world fanatic.
The rant last week in the national media was “fake news” (triggered by “Pizzagate”) and “Russian interference” in our election. How about election interference by ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and CNN? They can’t open their mouths until they first fall to their knees and pray to the Democratic (globalist) party. How about Soros interference? He hires brain-washed college kids at $15 per hour to march and chant and burn down their own houses protesting, “No-Trump” “Not my President” etc. How about the daily dose of “fake news” in the Washington Post, Denver Post and the New York Times? You want some fake news? Just turn on the TV or pick up a national paper. The national “Mainstream Media (msm)” have it down to a science.
How about global banking interference? They’ve been financing revolution all over the world trying to steal elections and anything else that’s not nailed down. How many times has Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton and Obama interfered in sovereign countries around the world trying to overthrow and change their governments?
This week the emphasis seems to be on “Hellery won the popular vote!” It was pointed out just before Christmas however, that if we sawed California off and let it float over to China, Trump would win the popular vote by almost 2 million. If the one-worlders have their way and get rid of the electoral college, New York and California will elect ALL future presidents and the other 48 states will effectively be locked in a pen where nobody can hear them squeak. The electoral college was deliberately weighted against the big cities so rural America would always have a voice. Each state (both Wyoming and New York), gets two votes up front for their two Senators. After that it goes by population. In “Americanese” that’s known as “protecting the minorities.” Us.
Mindless globalist sycophants don’t know the difference between a “democracy” and a “Republic.” Benjamin Franklin as he emerged from the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was asked, “What kind of government have you given us Dr. Franklin?” He replied, “A Republic if you can keep it.” A Republic is a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. A “Democracy” is nothing but mob-rule dressed up in a suit trying to look respectable. A moderately talented thief (and there are thousands  in Washington) can steal a “democracy” in just a few months. It takes a while longer to steal a Republic.
All that said, I still fear for my country. I’m afraid we’re being set up for an event that will completely destroy honesty and give our wanna-be rulers a red carpet to park on when they try to kill our Republic forever. To make the point let me tell a short story. My father-in-law was a life-long Democrat who voted for Eisenhower in 1956. In amazement I asked him how he could do that believing as he did. He answered, “I figure there’s a big depression comin’ and I want the Republicans to get the blame.”
Let’s assume that not too long after Trump takes office the illegal “Federal” Reserve drops the hammer on us again, as Ben Bernanke admitted in his speech on Milton Friedman’s 90th birthday: “Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.”[1](Yeah)
A crash that will make the great depression of the 1930s look like a coffee spill is waiting in the wings. We have been maneuvered into position for more than 65 years with deficit spending to the point where our debts (private and national) are simply impossible to pay off. Any rational person can see that $20 Trillion in funny money “debts” will never be paid.
When the inevitable crash comes, the bought and paid for the “presstitutes” in the national media will hammer us day and night with how “Trump and the unwashed masses that voted for him are responsible for our misery” and ONLY the anointed global bankers and their lackeys are fit to rule over us.
Presto! World-government will arrive overnight and the United States of America will be simply a foot-note to history. From then on there will be an iron boot on the neck of humanity until Lord Jesus returns.


Dick Carmack

I have watched with dismay the widening gap between former friends and neighbors now deeply divided over the Trump electoral victory and the utter child-like temper tantrums of the Left and the Democrat Party. Eight years ago half of the country was dismayed over the election of an obscure Senator from Illinois who so obviously had hardly any experience either in government or in the free enterprise system that provides the means to run the country. His only qualification was as a “community organizer,” a term that most of us had never heard of, and certainly knew little about.
Did we (the losing half) have to be nurtured in special “weeping” rooms with counselors brought in to get us through the shock of losing the election? Were we threatening to march in the streets and burn down the Capitol as we chanted, “Not our President!” Did we threaten to disrupt the inaugural ceremony? Did we threaten to use the odor of vomit to make buildings uninhabitable? No. We simply accepted the results of the election and though we were saddened, we respected the process. Why were we so peacefully compliant to law and why did we keep our disappointment to ourselves?
The difference can obviously and easily be traced back to what we believed then, and what is believed now. As we watch our nation apparently coming apart we need to wake up and correct at least some of the factors that have contributed to our present problems.
Mostly, what we believe is what we have been taught. This writer was taught in the public schools, first of all respect for our country and our flag. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and our sense of patriotism was reinforced by the role models provided by our teachers and by our community leaders. Leaders who were mostly Christian, then Americans, and lastly Republicans and Democrats.
That picture has drastically changed. Our public schools have largely been taken over by those who now teach a philosophy that free enterprise is an object of disgust. Our public educational system has been subtly invaded by a philosophy of communism (“From each according to his ability and to each according to his need.” The lie of an unachievable utopia), and as a result many of our children if not most, no longer understand the difference between the two philosophies of government. They have been brainwashed into believing the capitalistic system that brought us prosperity and by and large has protected our freedom is to be abhorred.
The facts of history quickly show us the true difference. The Communist Soviet Union collapsed simply because it oppressed and robbed the people while the top echelon lived in luxury and the Free Enterprise (Capitalist) United States went from a nation of starving immigrants to become the unparalleled super-power of the world. A nation and a system of production and rewards that has provided far and away the most material wealth the world has ever seen.
Our educators however, being steeped in communist ideology believe in the so-called “communist utopia,” because they were taught (by those who hate the idea of personal freedom) it was the way to go and never bothered, or were unable, to examine the premise of that idea. What they were taught they are now passing on to their students, our children. As a result, our nation has largely gone from a nation of “do-ers” to a nation of “takers.” The next step is to watch our freedom vanish and thrust forth our hands to accept the handcuffs in exchange for a few pieces of bread. The last step is to stop and think, “While we were rolling in the wealth provided by freedom, we were watching our I-Pads and texting about the latest sex-star, as an iron boot was descending upon the “collective” necks of the world.
If our school boards fail to wake up and drastically change the curriculum and fire the die-hard ideologues that teach it, then it will soon all be over. The Trump-haters of today will look up from their trays of bread and water tomorrow and sigh for the “good old days” when they were given the right and the space to go out to march, chant, scream and make fools of themselves. Our mis-named “educational system” has become a Trojan Horse that is about to empty out on humanity a darkness that will bring in an individual the Bible calls the Antichrist. When that happens it will be too late to escape.